I have been reading through John MacAruthur’s book Truth Wars. It has been an amazing learning experience on some of the false doctrines on the nature and deity of God. Satan continues to use the same methods on attacking the Trinity even with very popular TV evangelicals(wolfs in sheep clothing) today. This attack was first manifested as early as the 3rd century.
Here is one term that I learned much more about in MacAruther’s book on the subtlety of heresy.
Sabellianism (Modalism) - That God has three different “modes” of expression. Sabellians believed God transforms Himself from one of these manifestations to another consecutively, as if changing costumes. So in a sabellius’ system, the Father and the Son could never actually exist simultaneously as distinguishable yet co-eternal divine persons.
One of the major TBN prosperity gospel teachers also buy into this form of heresy. TD. Jakes. The Christian Research Institute did an article on “Loving The Trinity” and here is an excerpt from it.
Trinity Broadcasting Network (TBN) should change its name. Not only are many of the programs on the network functionally non-Trinitarian (i.e., the doctrine makes no impact upon their doctrinal stance), but there is also a networkwide willingness to entertain blatant deviations from the truth of God’s triune existence. One will often find T.D. Jakes preaching on the network, even though his confession of faith is modalistic, not Trinitarian, in terminology. He eschews the term “Persons” and prefers, instead, the favorite phrase of the Oneness Pentecostals; three “manifestations.”12 He likewise uses Oneness terminology when he says, “We have one God, but He is Father in creation, Son in redemption, and Holy Spirit in regeneration.”13
Bad enough right? Well here is what the founder of TBN Says. Paul Crouch
Let’s talk a little bit about theology now. These are issues that I consider to be up for debate, discussion, within the broad spectrum of the body of Christ. You don’t have total agreement on, for example, the Trinity. There is a group, the Jesus Only group, or the Oneness group that believes that there’s only one Person — anyway, we won’t get into that deeply, into the doctrinal aspect, but you have been attacked on some statements that you have made concerning the Trinity and the members of the Godhead [i.e., that they are three Gods].
When the Trinity becomes something that is “up for debate,” the foundations have collapsed and a vacuum of truth is created. Anything and its uncle will rush in to fill the vacuum, which might explain the wide variety of doctrinal views expressed on TBN.
So you may ask yourself what is the problem with their miss understanding of the Trinity. It basically means they are worshiping a different God then the one found in the Bible. How can people truly learn about God from someone who doesn’t even understand who God is?
The war of truth continues daily. We need to equip ourselves for this spiritual battle.
Lets head Jude’s warning:
3 Beloved, while I was very diligent to write to you concerning our common salvation, I found it necessary to write to you exhorting you to contend earnestly for the faith which was once for all delivered to the saints. 4 For certain men have crept in unnoticed, who long ago were marked out for this condemnation, ungodly men, who turn the grace of our God into lewdness and deny the only Lord God and our Lord Jesus Christ.
All Praise, All Worship, All Glory, All Honor goes to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
Galatians 2:20