Monday, June 25, 2007

Just A Choice

This morning I was assaulted on the home-page of with the following headline: Why I Chose Abortion. Here we go again with the justification of murder.

Either we should be able to murder babies for any reason or there is absolutely NO justified reason for killing babies. I read pro choice information like this and it makes me want to throw up my hands and say what is the world coming too? How do we justify murder? It all comes back to subjective truth and subjective morality. What is good for me is my moral choice and it doesn’t matter what anyone else says especially God. I always want to ask people if it is ok to torture young infants. Is that wrong and if so why? Its my choice to do it.

One of my sons had a speech problem from the ages of 2 to 4 and we had to take him to speech therapy for two years. What if some genetic test was created to let us know that he was going to have this problem. Is it justified that we could kill him.?

Here is a link to the full article

Here is a stunning quote from the lady in the article who killed her baby because of a genetic defect.

“Seven months later, in November 2003, 14 weeks into my second pregnancy, I gently rubbed my rounded belly, tears rolling down my cheeks as I watched George W. Bush sign the Partial Birth Abortion Ban Act on CNN. It would be at least two more weeks before I could learn via ultrasound if this baby squirming around inside my womb was healthy or not. Taking in the scene, I understood that if this baby were plagued with the same genetic defects as my last, any choices I had were being taken away from me.

Once the president signed the act -- the first federal ban on any abortion procedure in the 30 years since Roe v. Wade, and the first ban on a surgical technique in the history of this country -- the 400-strong crowd at the ceremony exploded in whoops and hollers. "For years a terrible form of violence has been directed against children who are inches away from birth, while the law looked the other way," Bush said. It was time to "defend the life of the innocent."

I stared at the screen. The president was, in essence, calling me a baby killer. Even members of the Democratic Party -- 17 in all -- voted for the ban. One of my own senators, John Kerry, perhaps looking to dodge the liberal label in anticipation of his bid for the White House, conveniently missed one of the key votes (as did his future running mate, John Edwards). “

RIGHT YOU ARE A BABY KILLER. Duh. Has satan completely blinded our eyes to the value of life? She is upset that we passed a law on the murder of children. I don’t get it.

Here is a great article from on the subject.

Partial-Birth Abortion Is Not About Abortion

Galatians 2:20

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