Monday, December 3, 2007

Ambassador of Christ - Greg Koukl

Greg Koukl, the founder of Stand to Reason (, has released 44 videos on answering some of the toughest questions Christians are asked. Here are the titles of just a few, is Christianity the only way to God, why is there evil in the world, is it fair to condemn people who have never heard the gospel? Greg has been doing this for over 30 years and is a master in tactics, critical thinking, philosophy and apologetics. I would highly suggest reviewing some of these videos if you want to see what an ambassador of Christ looks like then Greg is a very good model. We should strive for this kind of clarity in our answers and strive for the manner in which he shares his faith. Send these videos to all your friends they are really good.

Here is the link to all the video resources.

Here is a sample video for your enjoyment titled.

Why is Jesus the only way?

Wes Porter
Galatians 2:20

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