Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Scoffer and Mockers

In todays daily reading I came across Proverbs 14:6 and 9. In these two verses Solomon addresses the scoffers and mockers who think Christianity is for fools. My heart goes out to those who call us silly or fools. They have no idea how sin has blinded them to the truth of Jesus.

Proverb 14:6 A scoffer seeks wisdom and does not find it. But knowledge is easy to him who understands.

A scoffer will seek wisdom in everything but Jesus. It then goes on to say in the first part of verse 9 in Proverbs 14, Fools mock at sin.

Scoffer’s today seek wisdom in so many things that they believe are going to make them happy and fulfilled. The list of things go from, money, sex, themselves, psychics, spiritualism, scientology, etc... None of these satisfies the scoffer.

The irony is the knowledge to him who understands is right in front of us all. Its the saving grace and mercy of Christ. In one sense it is so simple to believe and put your faith into Jesus. There is no work or rituals I have to accomplish to spend an eternity with Jesus. He gives us a free gift Ephesians 2:8-9. However, why are there so few who choose to do so? It’s because they mock at sin. They have no desire to change their ways from a path of darkness to a path of light in Christ. We are forced to go back to look at John 3:19 for the reason why. It’s not that Christ has not given anyone enough light to see the truth it is due to the fact that man loves wickedness more that the light.

I pray that if you do not have a relationship with Christ that you turn from your ways of worldly wisdom and turn to the saving grace of Christ who gives true wisdom and knowledge. You can search this world for wisdom but till you turn that search to Christ you will never know the truth.

Click here to find out how to have a relationship with Christ.

Galatians 2:20

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