Thursday, September 17, 2009

Luke Warm And Loving It

Great simple truth. You can not walk away from this sermon without it impacting your life.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Two Awesome Testimonies

In the last few days I have been blessed with watching two different transformations of people who put their faith and trust into Christ. There is hope for all to believe in Him. These are impactufl testimonies that I hope will encourage you to continue to preach the Word of God, or if you have not put your faith in Christ then there is no better day than today to trust in the Lord.

This first testimony is from Pastor Greg Laurie. This is based off of his latest book Lost Boy.

This next one is former guitarist from KORN, shares his very RADICAL, TRANSPARENT, LIFE CHANGING, story of sex, drugs, rock and roll and JESUS?